Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Personal space: are all the walls necessary?

I've spoken about this before, in the light of privacy and how people deem it to be so quickly invaded. This is however from a bit of another angle, the angle of personal space and how easy people feel theirs to be invaded. 

Big question - why are everyone constructing these high invisible walls around them? We have social networking up the yazoo, with everyone in everybody's business, but the minute we actually interact on a personal level, the walls come up and we revert to restrictive behaviour, and on being questioned we answer that we were raised conservatively. And thus we only hug those we consider best of friends, and we only kiss those we consider closest of family. (Unless of course the kissing will clearly lead to sex, but that's a different story altogether) We shake hands in a short, limp fashion, and also only if another offers his or her hand to shake. We only hold hands with a person who we consider a beloved, and also only after the title of "romantic relationship" has been bestowed and publicly made known. All these rules, so many rules.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, the world knows our inner thoughts, by means of Facebook, and Twitter, and Pinterest, and blogs, and Youtube. We are, as a modern day society, are a paradox. We call people "love", "sweetheart", "dear" and other terms of endearment but we give them air kisses once in each other's personal company. We wish to portray ourselves as strong and independent, but we give fishy handshakes and slink into meetings, not sitting near the head of the table. We call someone our friend, but we don't hug the crap out of them after seeing them for weeks. We call people family, but we turn the cheek for a greeting kiss after seeing them for the first time in years, some of us even being "grossed out" by the idea of Aunty this or Uncle that kissing us on the lips. We ride the train on the morning commute with the same people day in and day out, but we don't greet them, we simply listen to our Ipods and read our newspapers. We live next to neighbours for years, but don't know their names, or what they do. 

We are so wrapped up in the cocoons of our own making but then we find it strange that we end up having meaningless, and sometimes plainly stupid, and sometimes unsafe experiences like one night stands and doing drugs, because essentially we do these things in an attempt to feel more connected, to feel closer to others (why do y'all think Exstacy was such a freaking success as a drug). When all we ever had to do was stop being so obsessed with personal space and actually make connections, real ones, when opportunity presents. Next time, give a firm handshake. Hug your friend tightly. Kiss your dad on the lips (yes to all the men, kiss your dads!). Learn your neighbour's name(you never know when you might need a cup of sugar). Greet the guy next to you on the train, bus, plane. Beat down the walls that you yourself have constructed. You never know, it could be very good for you. 

Disclaimer: This is not meant for anyone to engage in behaviour that would bring you or anyone close to you in physical danger. Never disregard your inner voice or your 6th sense.

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