Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Expectations and judgment

It's amazing how different people are in their expectations and regarding their hopes and dreams.  For example, for one person, seeing 2 lines on a stick signifies a lifetime achievement, a desire being finally fulfilled. For others, seeing one line is such a massive relief, it's like a cool breeze on a bloody hot summer's day. 

Essentially, we must remind ourselves on a daily basis that we are different from the people that walk past us on the street, the people at the next table in our favorite restaurant, the people sitting in the cubicle next to you at the office. and because of said differences we must learn to accept that we might not always be able to comprehend why they do what they do, or say what they say, or act the way they act. We must accept that those differences exist for a reason and that we will never understand the reason. 

Ultimately, we are each our own person, but we live in the world, not simply on it. Thus, we need to learn to control our expectations of other mere mortals around us. And especially, we must refrain from judging should our (often unspoken) expectations not be met. Perhaps then peace may actually reign. 

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