Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Shut up and listen!

Isn't it amazing how each and every one of us like the sound of our own voice to the extent that we barely hear what others have to say? How often is it that you talk to someone and the minute they take a breath from their story you jump in with your own little anecdote that's barely related to the topic at hand? 

On the other edge of the knife, how often don't we feel that we're not being heard? When we say one thing and the person we're talking to responds in such a manner that it leaves you wondering whether or not they heard what you said at all? 

Communication gaps are things we all experience in this day and age due to the fact that we all wish to be heard but we rarely take the time ourselves to bloody listen. How can you expect to drown out the masses if you don't take the time to listen to a lone voice, who might actually hear what you have to say?

True communication starts with the ability to hear what another person has to say. That individual may then just return the favor in kind, by actually shutting the hell up and listening to what you have o say. But should we all continue to shout, as loudly as we can then no one is hear and everyone feels unappreciated and ignored, the basis of the millions in dollars made by shrinks world wide. 

For once, today, just take 5 minutes and actually LISTEN to the person next to you instead of single mindedly focusing on what you want to say next. I f everyone everywhere can do this, maybe we won't end up feeling so screwed up. 

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