Monday, May 28, 2012

The rape of politics

Politics in its pure form, in the way intended and envisioned by philosophers such as Plato and Socrates, is a beautiful thing. It raises societies to new heights and it focuses on harmonious living. However, that statement describes a utopia that I can only dream of seeing due to the fact that the current status quo of politics is that it has been raped beyond recognition. A truly honest man struggles in the arena of modern politics. Before long, honest men are corrupted by the system, by whispers of power and pockets of money. Taxes are abused and "normal" people are crushed beneath the feet of the fat cats. And honestly, I have had it. 

Thoughts of entering the political arena have crossed my mind more than once in my young life and for the simple reason that I believe that a better life is owed to the generations that pass this earth after my bones have turned to dust beneath their feet. 

It is not fair that those who can't afford private schools and thus attend public government schools receive a sub-par education due to the fact that sufficient funds from the government coffers aren't allocated for sufficient textbooks, class rooms, teachers, educational aids like computers, photo copiers, printers, stationary, I can go on ad infinitum. 

It is not fair that no normal human being that works an 8-5 job can afford to buy a house of his own because the house prices are so ridiculously high that any mortgage they qualify for will be insufficient. Why can't the tax dollars, which is used to rename streets in honor of the STILL LIVING or in honor of VIP's of OTHER countries, be used for decent housing projects? Why can't there be rules at public auctions that limit the power of property developers, who essentially bid so high on newly declared erven that ordinary mortals can never match it? Consequently same developers then proceed to erect properties and offer it for sale at such ridiculous prices that only the rich and the wealthy can afford to buy it. How is it fair that those in most need are the ones who are ignored, shoved, pushed and generally stomped on?

It is not fair that insufficient money is provided to the State hospitals so that in turn this countries own sons and daughters who have studied medicine to not practice at these hospitals but flee to private practice, because that's where the money's at, and subsequently our people are treated by foreigners whose medical training have in the past been pulled into question. 

It is not fair that law abiding citizens live in fortified homes as if it's Fort Knox in fear from being robbed, raped or murdered. It is not fair that we live in a country with very high levels of violent crime whilst the national Police are over worked and underpaid. In addition, cops can't even do their jobs properly sometimes due to lack of funds from the government coffers which translate to lack of vehicles, radios, even simple things like stationary at stations. We expect these men and women in uniform to perform their duties well whilst their salaries won't be able to pay the rent to a one bedroom apartment. We expect them to protect and serve us, but we do not champion for them. For shame!!

It is not fair that once the criminals are caught by overworked, underpaid police, that the courts and judiciary lack the resources to have justice done swiftly and efficiently. It is also not fair that once said criminals are actually behind bars for atrocities such as murder and rape that they have the opportunity to be back on the streets in normal society in a few years. It is not fair that the goals of sentencing- retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation, restoration and incapacitation, are not attained in the manner foreseen by the science of criminology. 

But you know what is the least fair? That we, as citizens, as societies, as communities, know ALL of this, SEE all of this, and moan and complain and criticize but do not put hand in own breast. Has there ever been a 100% voter turnout at elections? NO. Do we actually demand debates on the issues during elections? NO. Do we actually attend public town and city council meetings? NO. Do we write to the leaders in the political arena regarding our grievances? NO. We write to newspapers and whisper among ourselves. When we DO complain in a proper manner, do we actually do our research properly beforehand? NO. We complain based on our feelings, which is insufficient. Apathy is the glove in which the devil puts his hand and with which he corrupts. And that is how, we, as the people, have raped politics. 

1 comment:

  1. you have great points. i admire other countries for their citizens' passionate involvement. i think people are so worried about working day and night that they forget we have power...well, I hope you get your entries in for my Summer Fun Giveaway! : )
