Monday, October 1, 2012

Having class, taste and style

This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending a lovey party where the theme of the evening was Top Hats, Heels and Cigars. There was a red carpet and complimentary champagne. There were live performances and hot music pumped by the DJ. It was supposed to be an evening filled with class. Unfortunately the CLASS was few and far between. There were guys running around in jeans and t-shirts. Really?? EVERYONE watches How I met Your Mother - has Barney Stinson not taught you guys anything?? Suits are cool, suits are sexy, girls LIKE guys in a SUIT! It is unacceptable to come to a party which has a DRESS CODE and not be dressed accordingly! 

But men, especially young guys (the biggest perpetrators were a couple of VERY young gents that still have the blood of teenagers running through their veins) did not commit the worst sin of classlessness. That sin was committed by FEMALES, and I was disgusted and ashamed (The classy ladies in my company felt the same way as me). Girls were running around in hooker heels, in outfits that had their asses hanging out and their boobs popping out, all at the same time. They looked like hookers, and unfortunately it seems that it's the trend in this city - when you go out, dress like a complete and utter whore, and then get offended when somebody calls you a slut or a whore and insist that you're a lady. Bull!! If you want to be seen as and considered a lady, dress and act like one! Don't have all your lady bits out for show; leave a little something to the imagination. Or do you prefer to look like an extra in a porno movie? Not even in the fashion pages do you see models showing it all, because it is simply NOT stylish. 

Women lament the fact that they do not receive respect from men, nor admiration from women. But how can you expect that when you do not even have enough respect for yourself and your body? As a woman, you are a goddess, you are a queen. You should treat yourself as such if you wish for others to treat you and if you adorn yourself with the garments of a prostitute, why do you act surprised if a man treats you as such?
Men lament the same lack of respect, but then I ask, how can others respect you when you walk around looking like a little boy? Sure, maybe you have MUCH more going on beneath the surface and are worthy of respect and admiration, but someone who meets you for the first time wouldn't know it because you look like the equivalent of a nice present wrapped in newspaper or brown paper or a black plastic bag. 

People need to start respecting themselves to the degree that on first contact those who meet them for the first time respects them too. They need to conduct themselves as kings and queens and they will then be treated as such. Having class, taste and style does not have to cost anyone an arm or a leg. So please, get yourselves some!

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