Friday, October 19, 2012

What peace?

I myself am no saint, but the lack of moral compass in the younger generation today astounds me. The fact that it seems as if deeds are committed, awful, horrendous crimes without impunity. New born babies are dumped and murdered, women are killed by jealous boyfriends/husbands, little gangs are roving the streets breaking into cars and we all stand by, shocked and disgusted, but pulling up our shoulders when someone asks for suggestions for a solution. 

So many people are occupying themselves with attempting to solve "the problems of the world". they preoccupy themselves with the wars in the Middle East, the nuclear programs of various countries and global warming. Yes, these are worthy issues, but currently I feel that the man on the street needs to rather occupy himself first with the issues on the ground, the issues that he stares at day in and day out and ask himself what can be done to improve the current state of society, of his immediate community. 

Why are there are so many young women who are in "relationships" not based on true feelings of affection and love, but based on what the man can provide on a monetary level? Why do these girls feel the need to have a man provide for them financially while not being emotionally committed to said man? Is it any surprise that these men end up hurting these very girls when they leave them, or cheat on them? These women have created the illusion that they "belong" to these men, and consequently the men feel that they have every right to do as they please with their "property". At a grass roots level, young ladies need to stop seeing men as a walking talking wallet. Secondly, there is nothing cute or endearing about a young girl on the arm of an old man. Chick, if he's old enough to be your dad, WALK AWAY. Thirdly, men must stop praying on the vulnerability and naivety of some of these girls. Dude, if she's old enough to be your daughter, WALK AWAY. 

On the same wavelength, more and more often the headlines of the daily newspapers include the discovery of the body of a newborn baby, dumped by it's mother, essentially killed by the very woman who brought it into this world in the first place. Why is this happening more frequently? Why are women getting pregnant in the first place and then leave the baby in the closest nearest dumpster? It appears so callous and cold. Essentially, one of the major questions is, despite the sexual revolution of the past two to three decades, why aren't so many women not taking care of themselves and their bodies? 

Like I stated above, I am no saint, but it does grieve me to see young girls being the sexual predators. And ladies, men does NOT say no to something offered up on a silver platter. They see it as taking a break, as being a little lazy. And they take what they want and walk away. And the girl is the one who might end up with an STD or a bun in the oven. The girl who can barely look after herself and now feels that she's up against the wall. She might feel that she can't tell her parents as it would bring shame over the family. She might even still be in school, and as such a pregnancy would jeopardize her entire future. She might not even know for sure who the father is, which in itself raises problems. And because she feels that she has nowhere to turn, she "gets rid of the problem" in an absolutely despicable manner. Does she feel shame? Does she feel guilty? Why not rather have the delivery a a hospital and then simply walk away if you so wish to be unburdened? 

The above mentioned problems aren't the ones that need to be tackled, but they have been splashed across the front pages at such a frequent pace that they particularly plague me, and represent the decay of our society, of our moral compass. Regardless of culture or religion, each one of us know the difference between right and wrong. And yet there are so many that flout the rules to a degree that simply puts more and more human lives in danger. Is this what we are becoming? Is the human race hell bent on self destruction? The grass roots need to be dealt with and the moral compass of society realigned. For how can we even THINK about dealing with the issue of world peace, if peace does not reign in the house next door?

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